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AROS Status update - 26.05.2000

List-Id Announcements about AROS - The Amiga Research OS
Date    Thu, 25 May 2000 16:07:03 +0200
Subject [AROS-Announce] Status update


There was no status update for more than 6 weeks (which is too much).
I'll do better in the future :-) In the last few days, our WWW counter
silently skipped 33.333 hits.

The Sowatec AG has decided to give AROS a chance. Several people who
applied for the job to work on AROS have been contacted to arrange for
job interviews. That means for me that I will finally be able to meet
some of the people I worked with for the last five years ;-) It doesn't
mean that there will be an AROS development team in Switzerland, though.
So don't hope for too much, yet :-)

Unfortunately, the date for the World of Alternatives is very unlucky
for me; I'll return from my holidays on Saturday and therefore, I'll
not be able to attend :-( Since the World of Amiga in Cologne seems
to be a dead event this year (Who's left to attend ? Who is willing
to attend ??) I'll try to make it the London Amiga show or whatever
is held this or early next year. Sorry if you did expect me to show
up :-)

On a more happy news, BGUI has been handed over to us and integrated
into AROS (you can download the contrib sources for your copy). Manuel
Lemus promised me that it compiles on Amiga but, unfortunately, it
doesn't compile on AROS, yet (the old lack-of-manpower problem). There
should be no major problems, though and porting has started. I just
can't say when it will be finished. Anyone wanting to work on BGUI
only (and not on AROS) should still apply for a CVS account to
synchronise his work with ours.

Also, Steve Crietzman of the Open Amiga Foundation seems to be pretty
far with finding out which legal obstacles could hurt AROS/Lite. His
effort is currently blocked by the effort of the Sowatec AG to found
an AROS development team (we'll have to sort our legal obstacles first).
As usual, the legal dept. drains all the energies ;-)

On the AROS side, work is still progressing, maybe even at a faster
pace than usual ;-) The AROS Native/i386 flavour is currently broken
(the HIDD system has been greatly enhanced and Michael Schulz currently
cannot take care of it) but AROS Linux/i386 works quite fine. Nils
has committed a couple of patches which greatly enhance the speed of
the graphics output (it's now *much* faster then on the WoA in Cologne
last year in November). Right now, bugs in the build system and exec
are hunted by various AROS developers and I hope to see lots of progress
in that area when I return from my holidays.

As for the survey which I started months ago, I hope I can summarize
them after the holidays :-)

Things never turn out what you expect them,

Sowatec AG,       CH-8330 Pf�ffikon (ZH)
Witzbergstr. 7,
Tel: +41-(0)1-952 55 55
Fax: +41-(0)1-952 55 66
Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,

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